Nine Inch Nails – Not The Actual Events

I owe much of my love of music and the desire to blend organics and electronics together to Nine Inch Nails. So I should probably warn you that there will be many more reviews of their music, as they’ve taken it upon themselves to revisit much of their back catalogue. For two reasons, to remaster their less-than-polished releases (which I don’t understand, the raw brutality of the music is pretty key to their sound), and…

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Meshuggah – I

Math is at the core of pretty much everything we do in life. Ranging from the equations carried out within the human brain as synapses fire off neurons to different receptors which command your eyes to observe these words written on your screen and interpret them, to, well, other equations being conducted as the signals bounce from the satellites in space down to earth into you phone and are converted into streams of information which…

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