Zymosis – Between Two Points

Zymosis –  zy·mo·sis (zī-mō’sĭs) n. Fermentation. The process of infection. An infectious disease, especially one caused by a fungus. — A fitting name to the electronic artist, Zymosis creates an enveloping soundscape of sonic exploitation throughout their music utilizing real world samples, otherworldly manipulations, and elements of breakbeat, psytrance, and downtempo. Hailing from the Ukraine, Dmitry Lihachov and a cascade of other artists have been creating ethereal magic for over ten years. I stumbled on…

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Funkadelic – One Nation Under A Groove

Do you promise to funk, the whole funk and nothing but the funk? Than buckle up, the mothership has landed, and Funkadelic has brought us the funk. One Nation Under a Groove is a lesson in the funk, the power of love and fried ice cream. Yes, fried ice cream is a reality. Guided by the groovy thick psychedelic bass lines of Bootsy Collins, One Nation Under a Groove is a feel-good record for the…

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Osibisa – Woyaya

Like much of my record collection, this album came from my grandfathers stash. The artwork is definitely eye-popping, with a cross between a dragonfly and an elephant flying towards the viewer, in a fluorescent green orange colour scheme and stylized design. And it’s only up hill from here. The group originates from various parts of Africa and the Caribbeans, who managed their way to England in the late 60’s. Armed with only their instruments and passion…

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Nine Inch Nails – The Downward Spiral

Nine Inch Nails came to me by accident, but at a time in my life when it was needed. Great music can do that, drag you out of a hole kicking and screaming, to show you that there are others out there that can relate, that other people share in your experiences, and that they can turn such anguish and anger into something beautiful. Beautifully terrifying and macabre, but beauty is in the eye of…

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